1424 Ben Franklin Highway
Douglassville, PA 19518
Tel: 484-624-5184
Hours: Tues-Fri 11-5, Sat/Sun 10-3
Copyright © 2010 My Little Chickadee, LLC. All rights reserved.
Gifts for Butterfly Lovers
There is nothing more relaxing than sitting in a chair or swing on your patio, deck, or porch and watching butterflies make a graceful trip around your yard. Even in today's hectic times, all "seems at peace as the Lord intended", as a butterfly pauses to sip some nectar or relax on a warm rock. On this page we'll discuss ways to encourage butterflies to visit and stay with you!
If you would like to attract butterflies to your yard, without a doubt, the first thing you must do is stop using chemical pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides so they can safely eat and lay their eggs!
One thing people often forget is it's important to provide "Host Plants", not just nectar sources. By providing host plants on which the butterfly lays it's eggs, you can watch the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into an adult butterfly. In addition to providing a safe place for the eggs, the host plants also become a food source for the emerging caterpillar.
In addition to host plants, of course, you need nectar plants that bloom from the start of the season to late summer and fall so that the adult butterflies can continuously feed. Other food sources for the butterfly include banana slices, which attract Fruit Flies consumed by butterflies for protein and minerals. Also, try setting out a slice of watermelon or overly ripe fruit - you'll be amazed at all the butterflies that stop by for a light lunch of "Fruit Plate"!
Lastly, remember to provide butterflies a place to warm in the sun.
Garden Flags
Wind Chimes
Boxed Mugs
Butterflies love to warm in the sun on the glass rim and drink nectar from the sponge!
Barely fray the wicks out to provide nectar and place bananas or other fruit on the spikes!